Thursday, March 26, 2009

Only Spring Once

Spring, the Vernal Equinox, has finally arrived and I'm reminded of the adage "Stop and smell the roses". Old people have that baby loaded in their advice quiver and they dispense it like Pez. Sounded like inane Fortune Cookie fodder to me. Cryptic and maddeningly vague, leaving us to glean what these crafty bastards meant by it.

Another favorite of mine is "If I knew then what I know now". Very prescient stuff from the wily veteran class. Clearly they've learned something seminal shuffling their mortal coil down the road of life and if granted a celestial do-over...they'd do things differently. But what?! What is this acumen oh Confucius? Spell out this revelation gained through your travels so we won't have the same regrets!

Perhaps the answer is not so universal...

In the movie "City Slickers" the haggard old cowboy explained the meaning of life by simply holding high his finger and saying "This". Whatever this is to you, whatever your perception of this is...that is what "this" will be. Perception is reality and that reality is your life. However in this multitasking world seldom do we concentrate on that one thing, what it is we have...and the opportunity to appreciate it passes us by. Lost forever in the fog of indolent memory. For what we desire is more powerful then what we have.

As young people go we have very little in terms of material wealth therefore there is lots to be desirous for. We are lean, hungry and on a mission. Thing of it is...we have something amazing and it's slipping through out fingers like the grains of sand from the hour glass. Youth. Youth and all things that go with it. Things like virility, optimism, naivety, exuberance, innocence, wonderment, hope all wrapped up in this raw and vernal package.

Perhaps these things are wasted on youth. Some speak dismissively of such traits as they lack maturity, wisdom and length of bone, thereby marginalizing those qualities. However those are good things...nay great things. Perhaps...that is what our parents meant yet failed to articulate.

As they toiled and bought and persevered and fought and broke bread, building a life as the weight of the world slowly and surely twisted their gaits and as their time on this planet inexorably winds away...they realized they lost something most precious...and they barely noticed at the time. A wisdom that only comes with hindsight.

It is spring and spring marks the rebirth of all the things that lay dormant during the cold dark winter...even notions and perceptions. I should stop and appreciate that rose while my eyes still sparkle, my mind is still bright and my joints doth not protest too much.

I know now...I should.

Happy Spring everyone.

See ya next week top of the food chain!

-Life is complicated and far from perfect, but it's still great.

Friday, March 20, 2009

We Hath Wrought

In this first blog I want to address how technology is undermining the inflection and nuances of speak with the primordial base grunts and moans of the horny masses, reducing us to monosyllabic morons. Lying horny masses at that. I mean how many times have you actually laughed when you wrote LOL? Oh well screw it. Half it's just smack talk and we have no time for Shakespeare.

MSN was the origin of species. However MSN was too long winded for the quick connect itch and people just aren’t that witty for 20+ exchanges. We certainly grew weary of the ubiquitous Smiley Face as a complete response. Factor in the obligatory “Hey” every time you go online from people you no longer want to talk to and this trend needed an upgrade.

Enter Facebook (AKA the greatest relationship creator and destoyer ever created...Fuckbook if you will) with profiles you can anonymously creep at your leisure and we have a new winner. There are 175 million users with almost a Billion photos and the average user has 120 friends. 120...Rookie.

Got a fresh add? Go right to the photo albums....Hmmm let’s see....Cuba trip’09...that should have the kind of shots you are looking for. Check info next. Favorite movie is Waterboy and favorite TV show is Jerry Springer. Hmmm this one is not a rocket builder I suspect, probably not too adept at even drawing a rocket actually. They better be exceptionally hot before you send out some innocuous pleasantry to spark up convo. Reminds me of a story...

I was checking out a beautiful baby at the bar one night years ago and another young lady approached to inform me that the object of my attention worked at a "Video Store" in a hush tone as if conveying a dirty little secret. My response "So?".

Texting is now part of our very existence. No more talking and exchanging inane platitudes before we get to the point. The very mode makes it clear that we haven't time to be superfluous. After all we need to organize all of our cool friends and get to the bar as drunk texting awaits!...and if that texting gets out of hand, a quick :) with an LOL the next day will cover your shame before you even roll out of bed. What a glorious and wondrous time to live.

See ya next week top of the food chain!

-Life is complicated and far from perfect, but it's still great.